Spectrum Payment Solution Limited is a leader in providing innovative electronic payment and Financial technology solution in Nigeria. Our commitment to customer service, and our unparalleled passion for Fintech development, has created trust and fostered cooperation between our team, our customers, our partners, and new comers. We have partnered with world leaders in the elctronic payment industry both locally and globally This has resulted in award-winning POS terminal products and software which has drastically improved payment solution in Nigeria. Spectrum -pay has and will continue to lead the industry in e-payment development and drive the Fintech revolution in Nigeria and Africa. Our partnership is built on passion, trust and synergy between our well trained staff, partners and customers. We succeed together by growing and generating exceptional ideas.
Spectrum-pay has a wide range of point of sales terminals that can enhance your business growth.
With Spectrum-pay, consider your bills paid.
Spectrum-Pay is a leader in the development of customized application for businesses
Our support and maintenance service provides end-to-end support for your payment system
We provide unparalleled electronic payment services in Nigeria. Our Point of Sales terminals are highly secured and reliable to help grow your business no matter your location in Nigeria.
To become the best electronic payment solutions and services firm in Africa, by empowering businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa to exceed all their customers’ e-payment expectations.
To be at the forefront in the payment industry in Africa by providing paralleled electronic payment solution through secured means to meet the needs of all our customers and partners.
We provide Secured Payment Terminal solution and after sales services to your business. We believe that our passion for growth and unparalleled support services to our customers will help them grow their business.
Get in touch with us and Request for a POS terminal now
We help you to grow business with More than 25 years experience with these services.
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Village did removed enjoyed explain nor ham saw calling talking. Securing as informed declared or margaret. Joy horrible moreover man...